Visso acts as the professional structurer and manager of the first private equity fund in Colombia supervised by the Financial Superintendence, which promotes and drives initiatives for the issuance and trading of carbon credits.
FORE saims to:
- Contribute to the control of climate change through investment in projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Serve as a creator of a transparent, independent and professional emissions reduction market, with the goal of narrowing the gap between the price paid to the project promoters and the end user of the instrument.
- Disseminate and promote greenhouse gas mitigation initiatives and encourage the participation of new investors in the market.

Development of a Biodiversity Credit Issuance Project through the creation of Habitat Banks in the Colombian Orinoquía.
Project development
Sector: Conservation

Development of a Bio-Credit Issuance Project through the conservation of more than 20,000 hectares of wetlands, savannahs and gallery forests.
Project development
Sector: Conservation

Financial Structuring and Resource Acquisition for the REDD Project in the Inga Community of Putumayo Department.
Strategic Implementation
Resource Achievement
Sector: Carbon Market

Development of a Carbon Credit Issuance Project through the conservation of more than 150,000 ha of wetlands, savannas, and gallery forests.
Project development
Sector: LULUCF, Carbon Market

Technical Development and Financial Structuring of the CRIMA Project for Putumayo and Andoque de Aduche REDD+ properties.
Strategic Implementation
Resource Achievement
Sector: Carbon Market

Professional Manager of the Private Capital Fund.
Private Equity Fund
Sector: Financial Services

Technical Development and Financial Structuring of the Nuestro Aire de Vida Project “Kai KOMUYA JAG+Y+” REDD+ Puerto Zábalo and Los Monos.
Strategic Implementation
Resource Acquisition
Sector: Carbon Market

Technical Development and Financial Structuring of the Aire de Vida Project “FIIVO JAAGAVA KOMUYA JAG+Y+” Monochoa REDD+
Opportunities identification
Resource Achievement
Sector: Carbon Market

Comprehensive Advisory in Strategic Planning Processes.
Opportunities identification
Sector: Agribusiness

Structuring of a financial vehicle for the development of a Commercial Program for Restoration and Reforestation.
Opportunities identification
Sector: Agribusiness, Carbon Market

Private Capital Fund Structuring
Amount: USD 50 Million
Sector: Financial Services, Carbon Market

Pre-feasibility and Financial Structuring of a 300MW Solar Farm
Amount: USD 250 Million
Opportunities identification
Resource Achievement
Sector: Renewable Energy

Advisory on the implementation of a CO2 Emission Reduction Certificate Issuance Program
Opportunities identification
Sector: Agribusiness

Advisory in defining business and market strategy for optimization, replication, and/or expansion of the HEM project.
Opportunities identification
Sector: Agribusiness

Advisory in developing a commercial strategy as part of an impact investment.
Opportunities identification
Sector: Agribusiness
Throughout our history, we have achieved significant milestones, among which are:
- Participation in conservation projects that have covered more than 2 million hectares of land.
- Contribution to commercial reforestation projects in more than 50,000 hectares.
- Issuance more than 17 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in the projects we have participated in.
- Direct negotiation of more than 2.5 millionCarbon Emission Reduction Units (VCUs).
- Extensive experience in structuring projects for issuing carbon credits, biodiversity credits, environmental compensations, and payments for environmental services.
- We are the professional managers of the only Private Capital Fund in Colombia dedicated to promoting and driving initiatives for the issuance and trading of carbon credits.